The Joy of Waking up Sober

Gayle Macdonald
12 min readFeb 14, 2023

A Morning Routine For Sobriety

drinking tea in bed with a book
The joy of waking up sober

It’s 4 am, and I’m awake. My teenage son is coughing in the room next door and my husband has just got up to make tea. Because he can’t tell the time, my dog thinks it is time to begin the day and jumps up and down excitedly on my head.

Despite the early hour, I don’t care because I am waking up sober and it’s lovely. This will be sober morning number 1783…



Gayle Macdonald

Gayle is a tea drinking mum of two, life and sobriety coach. Gayle helps women to quit drinking & feel good..